You know i normally don't like to support gay causes but you know sometimes you got to set the different feelings you got in your heart apart to support this people you know
so lately ive had this numerous messages of this homosexual dude that loves furrie art and that my furry art have changed his life
at first i didn't understand what he was trying to say but now i can see it clearer than ever
he is a gay activist that spreads his love for furries around newgrounds and thinks that im gay like him but im so sorry little fella im not. but believe me im going to help you so can everybody know your cause and your love of furries
i know its confusing but please message him and contact him to support him so thanks to all of you guys for suporting this great cause
My girlfriend is a furry! And becuase I know what real furs are like, I SUPPORT THIS!
hahah thanks mate